Remembering Scott

Scott was someone I could turn to for perspective when my sights were set in the wrong direction. Scott is a friend I will never forget, he had such a positive impact on my life. I plan to use Scott and his perfect character as a guiding light in the development of my two sons.”……

“When I feel sad about Scott I remember his amazing life and spirit. All the wonderful and precious times that we shared and I remember how much better I am as a person for having had Scott in my life. He touched everyone who knew him”……

“Scott set an excellent example of carrying on through difficult times.”…….

“Scott was so appreciative of the gift of transplant that he was given he showed his gratitude a million times over and helped so many others”……

“In his too brief lifetime he knew more moments of pure joy, appreciation, and acceptance for what is than most ever know or understand. His depth of character was forged in the struggles he faced and overcame. In all the roles of his life he brought joy and hope to those he touched, the joy of his tender spirit, his compassion, his quiet wisdom, and the hope he provided that we can endure any of our own struggles when compared to his own, and realize how very blessed we are.”……..

“Scott taught us all so much about living with adversity. He faced so many challenges and hurdled over them time and time again. It was a valiant fight and we are so proud of him.”……

“So many people from across Canada have asked me to express their deepest sympathy. Scott was a special person who inspired many”……

How Do You Remember Scott?


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